
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tips for Best Cloud Computing Services

Tips to Avail the Best Cloud Computing Services

by SaumyaAggarwal

With cloud computing becoming a buzzword tossing around, IT providers are looking forward to modify the way their infrastructure should be deployed. According to the concept, your computing resources will be located somewhere out and you will be connected to them and utilize them as required.

[caption id="attachment_385" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Cloud Computing Australia : Tips to Available the Best Cloud Computing Services"]Cloud Computing Australia : Tips to Available the Best Cloud Computing Services[/caption]

Outlined below are some tips that businesses can follow to avail the best cloud computing services:

• Set Your Priorities – Before jumping to cloud computing wagon, make a list of your business requirements and take decisions accordingly. Do you need agile, faster and secure application? If yes, at what cost? Focus on how many applications can be adapted to cloud-based environment and keep a note of the factors like deployment time, cost, value and performance. A sound homework would save you from any future hassles.

• Select a Trusted Service Provider – Having a trusted cloud computing partner by side can resolve all the cloud related concerns. Select a company that has widespread expertise in running a standard, global enterprise infrastructure and can meet your enterprise-wide hosting and application management needs. Most importantly, the offered infrastructure should be reliable and ready to grow with your ever demanding business needs. Overall, an ideal cloud computing provider is the one who can handle all facets of your cloud environment. Also, try to obtain the complete information about your service provider prior to signing any agreement.

• Access to Enterprise Features – Ensure that the cloud computing services you are paying for include exclusive enterprises features. This would ensure the availability of numerous standard components like static IP, persistent storage, free bandwidth etc.

• Build a Cloud Prototype – Don’t rush to transform the entire IT set up. Begin with a small prototype – a cloud of, say around, less than 50 machines. Choose to avail hosting services for the applications which are supposed to get most benefits from the cloud computing environment. Compare the applications’ past performance, cost, value etc. to the cloud-based results. And then move forward accordingly.

• Evaluate Control Level – Evaluate how much control you have on your applications as cloud is famous for providing you greater choices of how you want to run your applications and what you can apply from a service-level agreement standpoint to those applications. Go for the comprehensive documentation and evaluation of internal control that will be needed to support management's assessment.

• Commit to a short-term service contract – Initially avoid making a long-term contract. A short-term contract of six months or so will give your company more leverage over service quality and related things. This will help you judge the service provider in proper measures.

It is interesting to note that tough economic conditions are forcing companies to look into hosted private cloud services. With greater emphasis on cost savings and increasing business efficiency, the future of cloud is certainly bright.

Now, if you are thinking to leverage cloud computing platform for your business, think NaviSite. NaviSite’s inexpensive cloud computing infrastructure has helped established enterprises manage their IT infrastructure. The result is a highly scalable platform for delivering cost efficient, on demand, usage based infrastructure and application services.

To explore more about how NaviSite could help you with cloud computing, please visit NaviSite

Article Source: Tips to Avail the Best Cloud Computing Services

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