
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Cloud Computing Providers Ensuring a Threat Free IT Environment

Cloud Computing Providers Ensuring a Threat Free IT Environment

Author: Martin Lobo

The developments in technology have paved way for the business houses to opt for the techno savvy environment. However, this demands enterprises to provide the end-users and customers with world-class computing services. In other words, the business houses need systems, which can be optimized to provide the clientele with an easily accessible customized service in line with the industry benchmarks and business goals.

The advent of technological innovations such as cloud computing has opened avenues for the computing world to meet the challenges of the business environment. Cloud computing providers can deliver data and applications stored on servers in remote locations via the Internet and are accessible to end-users through web browsers. With the data and applications made available from a shared pool of resources the cloud computing service provides the business houses with a flexible and scalable on-demand computing services. Such ventures not only save on the expenditure but also facilitates outsourcing of non-core activities.

Today cloud computing has become the new buzzword for the business world and is driven by the marketing strategies of the corporate world. However, for the layman this is just a large networked environment with capabilities to handle sophisticated and high-end applications, on the professional level the cloud computing providers have found a place among the service providers of virtualisations and utility computing. For the small and medium enterprises in India, the cloud computing have become a boon. The facilities provided by the dedicated servers in India, such as web browsers, mail servers and corporate intranets and dedicated hosting or shared hosting services through state-of-art infrastructure and fast connectivity with 24/7 support are all provided by the cloud computing providers.

Cloud computing uses multiple servers networked digitally in a single platform. Being a secured environment makes it feasible for the client and user organizations to access a wide range of software applications, thus reducing the cost of IT infrastructure while increasing computational resources. The global organizations are put at ease with the cloud computing services providers addressing their burning issues such as data security, privacy, regulatory compliances, and integration with existing systems.

However, the leading service providers offer their clientele three types of cloud computing services enabling cost-effectiveness for all industry types and sectors. The Simplicloud is a cloud platform based on the latest new generation virtualization, which gives the end user the ability to expand one's business into new market segments without worrying on the up gradation of physical hardware. With the best of the line technology, the cloud computing providers offer their clientele a worry free IT environment ensuring nil exposure to threats.

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Read more on - Cloud computing providers, dedicated servers in India, shared hosting services

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