
Friday, July 20, 2012

5 Top Cloud Computing Trends of 2012!

5 Top Cloud Computing Trends of 2012!


The new age cloud computing technology has created a stage for new approaches that allow the businesses to choose how they are going to obtain or deliver IT services, thus  avoiding difficulties involved with  conventional software and hardware licensing frameworks.

Research says that five important cloud computing trends have ushered in this year 2012. It is also expected that this trends will be prevalent for the coming few years as well.  Have a close look in the following:

[caption id="attachment_680" align="aligncenter" width="380"]5 Top Cloud Computing Trends of 2012! 5 Top Cloud Computing Trends of 2012![/caption]

1. Hybrid cloud computing is mandatory

The trend is to adopt hybrid cloud computing that signifies effective organization and blending of external cloud computing services (both public as well as private cloud) with in-house infrastructure or apps services. Hybrid cloud computing allows formation of one combined model constituting innumerable cloud platforms, both external as well as in-house, that are largely utilized whenever required. While public cloud apps or tailored apps running on public cloud platforms are used, effective strategies should be created how those components will be combined with in-house systems for creating a perfect hybrid cloud based scenario.

2. Cloud-centric design becomes a necessity

Presently majority of the companies are looking forward to migrate their current workloads to a cloud based application system or framework. Whether the workflow needs the use of varied resources or the application allows horizontal scalability, cloud is suitable for all scenarios. However all the apps need to be designed properly, keeping in mind the exclusive characteristics, limitations as well as scopes of a cloud based structure. By doing so, it is possible to fully utilize the potential of cloud based model.

3. Formal decision frameworks facilitate cloud investment optimization

Cloud computing promises a complete shifting from IT resources, to value added solutions for business or to business support innovation and also to situation of reduced risks. This is one of the most beneficial cloud computing trends of the current times. However it is imperative that potential advantages should be inspected as well as mapped against innumerable securities like safety, lack of precision, the potential for vendor lock-in, licensing constraints and integration needs. All these existing issues form a difficult situation for evaluating individual cloud offerings effectively.

4. Cloud computing influences future data centre and operational models

Another trend of the time is that the companies extensively apply cloud computing concepts for future data centre and infrastructure investments to increase agility as well as competence. In the current public cloud computing scenario, an organization is the service user where the cloud service provider tackles all the implementation stuff that includes data centre as well as other relevant operational models.

5. Cloud brokerage will facilitate cloud consumption

The proliferation of cloud computing as well as its quick adoption led to the increasing need of support and maintenance. This increases the importance of cloud service brokerage, the service provider who acts as agent in cloud computing environment. This trend is gaining momentum with each passing day as more and more people take help of cloud service without engaging IT by any means.

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About the Author

At Corelynx, we are expert in providing exclusive Cloud Computing Services. We also offer CRM Customization services at nominal rates.

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